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Price trend of Stone crusher machines in 2019

  2019-02-27 13:17:28

After Chinese Lunar Year holidy, mining machinery enterprise begins to start work. Some users will start to purchasestone crusher euqipment. However, some users is still in the hesitating and hoping to make a best choice by comparing different machines from different manufacturers to get a best price. What about the price trend of stone crushers, increasing or decreasing?

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The price of stone crushers basically is affected by raw steel price, labor costs, transportation costs, etc.

Raw steel cost is rising day by day. There was a big increase at the beginning of 2018, then the price continues to inscrease. In 2019, it is forcasted that the steel price will have high increase same as 2018. In the following, the stone crushing machines price will increase too. Before exact rising price pressure, it is best time to order stone crushing machines now.

With the progress and development of Chinese society , wages is much higher than before. Even though, some factory could not find enough workers. Also Chinese government has serious strict rules about environment protection since last year. All those leads to higher and higher cost to build stone crushing machinery.

Freight is an important part of imported equipment for foreign customers. Normally, at the beggning of year, export orders are relatively small. In such off-season, the trucking fee, ocean freight is cheaper than other months.

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All of the relative factors make stone crusher price unstable and floating every day. A year's plan starts in Spring. Spring is the best time to determin mining stone crusher projects. Baichy Machinery could help you to choose suitable machine for you project. Contact us now!

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